White Sapphire vs. Diamond Jewelry: Which Should You Choose? | GLDN

Like the Harry Potter vs. Lord of The Rings argument or the dress phenomenon of 2015, another battle that’ll go down in history is this one: are diamonds or white sapphires better? (Listen, we’re very passionate about this.)
In this guide, we’ll break it all down—assessing appearance, durability and cost—to help you decide which clear gemstone deserves a spot in your collection, once and for all.
Comparing Appearance & Sparkle
You’re probably wondering: can you tell diamond jewelry and white sapphire jewelry apart? Is there one that looks “better” than the other? Which one has more sparkle and shine? While diamond and white sapphires do look nearly identical (especially from afar!) there are some key differences to note.
Appearance of Diamonds
When we speak of diamonds, we often speak of brilliance: that exceptionally bright, rainbow-like clarity you can only find in a diamond. Compared to white sapphires, diamonds are also more clear and transparent with minimal inclusions or cloudiness, all with a colorless (or nearly colorless) hue.
Appearance of White Sapphires
Gazing at a white sapphire is like looking at the moon. It has an ethereal glow about it (mixed in with a more subtle sparkle) often with a very faint blue or gray tint. White sapphires are ideal for anyone who wants more of a soft shimmer to their look, or find the intense sparkle of a diamond a bit much for everyday wear.
Comparing Hardness & Durability
If you’re looking for an everyday ring, promise ring or engagement ring, the #1 question is: will this gemstone stand up to everyday wear (without having to think too much about it)? When it comes to durability, both diamonds and white sapphires are some of the best gemstones out there—with diamonds edging out white sapphires only the tiniest bit.
Durability of Diamonds
Diamonds are a perfect 10 on the Mohs scale, which measures the hardness of gemstones. 💯 Get this: diamonds are actually the hardest naturally occurring substance on the planet. (Pausing for dramatic effect.) This means that, rest assured, the diamond you wear everyday won’t scratch or break!
Durability of White Sapphires
While diamonds take the #1 spot in durability, white sapphires come in at #2 on this list. White sapphires are a 9 on the Mohs scale, placing it in the top three most durable gemstones, right after moissanite. This means that, yes, diamonds are more durable and scratch-resistant than white sapphires…but that 9 rating isn’t anything to scoff at. You could freely wear white sapphire pieces everyday, too, without worrying much at all.
Comparing Price & Affordability
It comes as no surprise that diamonds are more expensive than white sapphires, even when they’re grown in a lab (like ours!). But how much more are diamonds? Is the extra cost justified?
Price of Diamonds
Diamonds are more expensive than white sapphires, though how much depends on the cut, clarity and weight of the gemstone! On average, though, you can expect a diamond to cost 3-10 times as much as a white sapphire of the same size…and sometimes more, in certain cases.
Price of White Sapphires
The popularity of white sapphires is, in part, thanks to their affordability and diamond-like look. A white sapphire is similarly priced to other popular gemstones (like emeralds!) and make an excellent choice for anyone foraying into fine jewelry.
Why Choose Diamond Jewelry?
The diamond is iconic and symbolic. Its brilliance and durability are literally unmatched by any other gemstone on the planet (insane!) and when you buy a piece of diamond jewelry, you’re investing in your future. If you have the budget, diamonds are never the wrong choice—unless you prefer more understated jewelry with a soft shimmer instead of an intense sparkle.
Why Choose White Sapphire Jewelry?
For gemstones that look a lot like diamonds (and are nearly as durable!) white sapphires are the perfect choice for everyday pieces that won’t break the bank. They aren’t as brilliant as diamonds, no, but they’re still one of the sparkliest and most enchanting clear gemstones out there, with an unmatched glow that flatters everyone. Plus, if you’re into bold, chunkier gemstone jewelry, white sapphires are much more attainable and easy to build a collection with.
We couldn’t close out this guide without saying: both diamonds and white sapphires deserve spots in your collection. While they’re quite similar, they’re also different—with diamonds bringing an intense, fiery sparkle and white sapphires bringing a softer, more subtle glow.
Plus, all of our diamonds and white sapphire jewelry is lab-grown and conflict-free. Lab-grown gemstones are chemically, physically and visually identical to earth-mined gemstones in every way, all without the social and environmental drawbacks. Learn more about lab-grown gemstones here—we love talking about them!
Happy gem hunting,
Team GLDN 💎
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